
Los Lakers ‘se cargan’ a Darvin Ham

Los Lakers ‘se cargan’ a Darvin Ham

Associated media - Associated media Los Ángeles Lakers acaba de confirmar con un comunicado que Darvin Ham deja de ser el entrenador. «Apreciamos enormemente los esfuerzos de Darvin en nombre de los Lakers y reconocemos los muchos logros conseguidos en las dos últimas temporadas, incluida la notable carrera del año pasado hasta las Finales de la Conferencia Oeste», ha asegurado Rob Pelinka, vicepresidente de la franquicia. «Todos queremos dar las gracias a Darvin por su dedicación y positividad. Aunque ha sido una decisión difícil de tomar, es la mejor opción tras una revisión completa de la temporada. Esta organización permanecerá inquebrantable en su compromiso de ofrecer baloncesto de calibre de campeonato a los aficionados de los Lakers de todo el mundo…», prosigue. ...
Berkshire Hathaway celebra su consejo con una liquidación récord de 189.000 millones de dólares

Berkshire Hathaway celebra su consejo con una liquidación récord de 189.000 millones de dólares

Related media - Associated media En su último artículo dirigido a los accionistas de Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett lamentó la fuga de atractivas oportunidades de reversión hacia el mercado. Coincidiendo con la celebración del encuentro de entusiastas en Omaha, Nebraska, la compañía publicó sus informes del primer trimestre en los que revisó esta impresión. El conglomerado que gestiona el inversor más famoso del mundo acumulaba el 31 de marzo un volumen líquido récord de 188.993 millones de dólares (175.500 millones de euros), según el informe trimestral de la compañía. Este récord ha superado los 167.600 millones de cierres anuales, en los arcos de la compañía se produce en un momento en el que los tipos de interés son altos y la bolsa tiene un alto valor. El Oráculo de Omaha apro...
El déficit del sistema de pensiones con la ayuda del Gobierno superará al del conjunto de las administraciones públicas

El déficit del sistema de pensiones con la ayuda del Gobierno superará al del conjunto de las administraciones públicas

Related media - Connected media El sistema público de pensiones español tiene dos fuentes de financiación. El principal son los ingresos por las cuotas sociales que pagan trabajadores y empresarios y que sirven para costear las pensiones corrientes. Por lo tanto es un sistema «contributivo», porque básicamente cuesta con las bajas de los empleados activos y «departamentales», porque los jubilados actuales reciben sus pensiones en base a lo que han aportado en el pasado y les han pagado por las bajas de los activos. trabajadores. Sin embargo, estos aportes no son suficientes para pagar el nombre de las pensiones y por ende el sistema necesario de la segunda fuente de financiamiento que son los montos generales. Y en este punto se abre el debate sobre el hecho de que las crecientes suscr...
Ayuno intermitente: pautas para principiantes

Ayuno intermitente: pautas para principiantes

Associated media - Connected media ¿Has oído hablar del ayuno intermitente, pero no sabes para qué sirve ni cómo realizarlo? En líneas generales, consiste en no consumir alimentos sólidos durante al menos 12 horas, dando lugar a una serie de efectos positivos. Además, no se trata de un tipo de dieta para adelgazar, sino una estrategia. En este sentido, la dietista Laura Sánchez Anguita, del servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición del Hospital Universitario La Luz, aclara que «podemos decir que es un protocolo que utilizamos como herramienta». En este artículo te explicamos para qué sirve, a quién se desaconseja, y cómo realizarlo. Qué pasa en el cuerpo cuando haces ayuno intermitente El ayuno se caracteriza por estar 12 horas o más sin ingerir alimentos sólidos que proporcionen nutrient...
New Nutrition Guidelines Put Less Sugar and Salt on the Menu for School Meals

New Nutrition Guidelines Put Less Sugar and Salt on the Menu for School Meals

Related media - Associated media The Sugar Association, a trade group, said it supported limiting added sugars in a weekly menu but called applying limits to individual products like flavored dairy products “arbitrary.” The group also warned that the new standards might lead to increased use of artificial sweeteners, which is not addressed but could have its own health ramifications. Schools will need to reduce sodium in lunches by 15 percent from current levels and in breakfasts by 10 percent by the 2027-28 academic year. This was scaled back from a proposed reduction of 30 percent by the 2029-30 school year. Mr. Vilsack said the Agriculture Department was unable to more meaningfully cut salt because it was essentially handcuffed by a policy rider in a spending package Congress approv...
 Billion Donation Will Provide Free Tuition at a Bronx Medical School

$1 Billion Donation Will Provide Free Tuition at a Bronx Medical School

Related media - Connected media When she focused on the bequest, she realized immediately what she wanted to do, she recalled. “I wanted to fund students at Einstein so that they would receive free tuition,” she said. There was enough money to do that in perpetuity, she said. Over the years, she had interviewed dozens of prospective Einstein medical students. Tuition is more than $59,000 a year, and many graduated with crushing medical school debt. According to the school, nearly 50 percent of its students owed more than $200,000 after graduating. At most other New York City medical schools, less than 25 percent of new doctors owed that much. Almost half of Einstein’s first-year medical students are New Yorkers, and nearly 60 percent are women. About 48 percent of current medical stude...
Can You Recycle Medical Devices Like Insulin Pens, Inhalers and Covid Tests?

Can You Recycle Medical Devices Like Insulin Pens, Inhalers and Covid Tests?

Related media - Connected media “What we really need is an evolving, specialized recycling infrastructure alongside the big five — paper, glass, plastic, metal and cardboard,” said Mitch Ratcliffe, publisher of the website Earth911. “That conversation is really picking up steam in some particular categories, but not in medical equipment at all.” A few designers and companies are exploring alternatives that are more reusable or safer for the environment. Inhalers The inhalers that many people use for treatment of asthma or other respiratory ailments contain potentially recyclable materials. But those with leftover medication or propellants may also be hazardous if incinerated or compacted. The steel or aluminum canisters containing the medication should generally be returned to a pharma...
What to Know About Lead Poisoning in Children

What to Know About Lead Poisoning in Children

Associated media - Related media How do I know if my children have high blood-lead levels? Lead exposure can go unnoticed until levels accumulate, doctors say. High levels of lead can result in stomach pain, vomiting, fatigue, learning difficulties, developmental delays and even seizures. Pediatricians recommend blood tests for infants and toddlers who live in homes built before 1978 or have other risk factors. Medicaid programs and some states require screening, but it is not typically advised for children older than 3. While officials have said there is no safe level of lead, parents do not automatically need to worry if traces of lead show up in a child’s blood test. The average blood-lead level among young U.S. children is under 1 microgram per deciliter of blood. “I don’t think th...
A Fading Weapon in the HIV Fight: Condoms

A Fading Weapon in the HIV Fight: Condoms

Associated media - Associated media Gay and bisexual men are using condoms less than ever, and the decline has been particularly steep among those who are young or Hispanic, according to a new study. The worrisome trend points to an urgent need for better prevention strategies as the nation struggles to beat the H.I.V. epidemic, researchers said. Over the past decade, prevention medication known as PrEP has helped fuel a moderate drop in H.I.V. rates. And yet, despite persistent public health campaigns promoting the drugs, they have not been adopted in substantial numbers by Black and Hispanic men who are gay or bisexual. The use of condoms, which prevent H.I.V. as well as other sexually transmitted infections, has been declining across the board in recent years, not just amo...
UnitedHealth Cyberattack Disrupts Prescription Drug Coverage

UnitedHealth Cyberattack Disrupts Prescription Drug Coverage

Linked media - Related media Updated on Feb. 27 to include new company statements. A cyberattack on a unit affiliated with UnitedHealthcare, the nation’s largest insurer, has disrupted drug prescription orders at thousands of pharmacies for about a week. The assault on the unit, Change Healthcare, a division of United’s Optum, was discovered last Wednesday. The attack appeared to be by a foreign country, according to two senior federal law enforcement officials, who expressed alarm at the extent of the disruption on Monday. UnitedHealth Group, the conglomerate, said in a federal filing that it had been forced to disconnect some of Change Healthcare’s vast digital network from its clients, and as of Tuesday, had not been able to restore all of those services. The company has not provid...